Change For Success !

So, how is that working out for you? You ask yourself questions like: Why haven't I achieved the success I have been working towards? What do I need to change for success? Why am I not on schedule of my success plan? What do I need to change for success? These are some hard questions, but ones we need to ask of ourselves as we continue to push forward in the pursuit of our goals.

When I started my working career my basic philosophy of success was to work harder, push harder, no time for fun, I must always be doing something to reach success. I thought I could push and work hard enough to reach success by physical activity. I did not change for success, I just kept working and pushing. I thought all I had to do was work hard enough and success will be mine.

After a few years of this type of thinking I started my life long journey of researching and learning about success. I started reading and listening to recordings (cassette tapes at that time) to learn all I could about achieving success. I started to realize that many of my beliefs were based on my childhood experiences and surroundings of hard work was the key to success. Then the light came on and I realized that I had to change for success.
Thinking Is An Important Change For Success

I am sure you have all heard the saying: Work smarter, not harder. The saying always stuck in my mind, but it took a little time for it to sink in. That is when I started asking myself the questions at the beginning of this post. Most importantly the question, what do I need to change for success? Because of my programming my first response was that the thing I had to change for success was to work harder and differently, but still work harder. WRONG ANSWER.

The thing I needed to change for success was to think (to work smarter). Spending time thinking was not an easy change for me, I kept feeling like I needed to be doing something to move me to success. So, based on everything I learned from my research of success, I forced myself to think and develop a success mindset. This reminds me of a quote from Henry Ford: "thinking is the hardest work you can do". I think I read that in "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and I think Henry was right. Once I got myself to actually sit in a quiet place without distractions and really think about the what, why and how of my desired success that I started moving forward faster than I ever did in the past. This change for success had made the biggest impact in my results and development of a success mindset.

Don't get me wrong, we still need to work hard. But there is much more to success than hard work. Make your change for success by taking some un-distracted time to think. I am not talking about 5 or 10 minutes here and there. I am talking about substantial amounts of time on a regular basis. Sit down with a pen and paper and think, take notes of your thoughts and ask yourself questions regarding your success. You will be surprised by the results when you make thinking a regular part of your life.

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