What does it mean to achieve success?

Each one of us is unique, and to achieve success would therefore also have a different meaning to each of us.

* Some people want to be rich.

* Some people want to be famous.

* Some people want to be both rich and famous.

* Some people want to excel in sports.

* Some people want to be company presidents.

* Some people want to be great statesmen.

* Some people want to achieve high grades in their studies.

* Some people want to finish school.

* Some people want to earn a university degree.

* Some people want to complete marine boot camp.

* Some people want to win a marathon race.

* Some people want to complete a marathon race.

* Some people want to write a book.

* Some people want to finish projects at work on time and within budget.

* Some people want to start and run a profitable small business.

* Some people want to provide food aid to a starving nation.

* Some people want to teach illiterates in a third world nation.

* Some people want to climb the highest mountains in the world.

As you can see, there are so many perceptions of what is defined by success. You could most probably add to the list as well.

It is important to know what success means to YOU. It will make things easier on your journey to understand how to become successful.

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